Jasper Mala

$26.87  $13.43
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Strung in a thread with knots in between ** 108+1 Beads ** Bead Size: 8 mm [approx.] ** Mala Length: 42 cm [approx.] ** "Jasper, a form of chalcedony, is an opaque, impure variety of silica, usually red, yellow, brown or green in color; and rarely blue. This mineral breaks with a smooth surface, and is used for ornamentation or as a gemstone. It can be highly polished and is used for vases, seals, and at one time for snuff boxes. When the colors are in stripes or bands, it is called striped or banded jasper. Jaspilite is a banded iron formation rock that often has distinctive bands of jasper. Jasper is basically chert which owes its red color to iron inclusions. The jasper is, along with Heliotrope (bloodstone), one of the traditional birthstones for March." - Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jasper

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  • Model: CXLGMP0832
  • Shipping Weight: 80 Gms.
  • 1 Units in Stock


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