Rig Veda - Shakala Shaka
Price: $20.00 |
Celextel eMusic Store Presents Rig Veda - Shakala Shaka Traditional Chanting of Vedic Sanskrit Mantras from Veda Prasar Samiti. Some Important Suktas: Shree Suktam, Pavamana Suktam, Raathri Suktam, Medhaa Suktam, Rudram, Kadrudraya, Imarudraya, Aathe Pithar, Somaa Rudra, Imaa Rudraya, Asme Rudra, Thvamagne Rudro, Aavo Rajaana, Thava Shriye, Bhuvanasya Pithara, Thamushtuhi, Ayam Me Hastho, Thrayambakam and Purusha Suktam. Digital Albums: 4 Tracks: 54 Size: 2272.95 MB | 2.27 GB Duration: 39 Hrs. 27 Mins. Special Note: Please E-mail Us with details of Required Albums if Payment has to be made in Indian Rupees [for Residents in India only]. |
Product Code: VPSMP3001A
Vol-1: Mandala : Anuvaka : Sukta : Rik [Mandala Basis] - 1 : 01 : 01 : 01 to 3 : 02 : 29 : 16 Tracks 01 to 14 of 54 * Track-01: Mandala 1.1.1 to 1.23.15 * Track-02: Mandala 1.23.16 to 1.38.15 * Track-03: Mandala 1.39.1 to 1.60.5 * Track-04: Mandala 1.61.1 to 1.81.6 * Track-05: Mandala 1.84.1 to 1.100.19 * Track-06: Mandala 1.101.1 to 1.116.5 * Track-07: Mandala 1.116.6 to 1.128.8 * Track-08: Mandala 1.129.1 to 1.145.5 * Track-09: Mandala 1.146.1 to 1.164.46 * Track-10: Mandala 1.164.47 to 1.186.5 * Track-11: Mandala 1.186.6 to 2.13.13 * Track-12: Mandala 2.14.1 to 2.32.8 * Track-13: Mandala 2.33.1 to 3.4.11 * Track-14: Mandala 3.5.1 to 3.29.6
Price: $5.00
Product Code: VPSMP3001B
Vol-2: Mandala : Anuvaka : Sukta : Rik [Mandala Basis] - 3 : 03 : 30 : 01 to 7 : 02 : 20 : 10 Tracks 15 to 28 of 54 * Track-15: Mandala 3.30.1 to 3.47.5 * Track-16: Mandala 3.48.1 to 4.1.15 * Track-17: Mandala 4.1.16 to 4.17.21 * Track-18: Mandala 4.18.1 to 4.34.11 * Track-19: Mandala 4.35.1 to 4.57.8 * Track-20: Mandala 4.58.1 to 5.26.9 * Track-21: Mandala 5.27.1 to 5.43.17 * Track-22: Mandala 5.44.1 to 5.61.19 * Track-23: Mandala 5.62.1 to 6.1.13 * Track-24: Mandala 6.2.1 to 6.20.5 * Track-25: Mandala 6.20.6 to 6.44.24 * Track-26: Mandala 6.45.1 to 6.52.17 * Track-27: Mandala 6.53.1 to 6.75.19 * Track-28: Mandala 7.1.1 to 7.20.10
Price: $5.00
Product Code: VPSMP3001C
Vol-3: Mandala : Anuvaka : Sukta : Rik [Mandala Basis] - 7 : 02 : 21 : 01 to 9 : 05 : 86 : 25 Tracks 29 to 42 of 54 * Track-29: Mandala 7.21.1 to 7.40.7 * Track-30: Mandala 7.41.1 to 7.67.10 * Track-31: Mandala 7.68.1 to 7.94.12 * Track-32: Mandala 7.95.1 to 8.4.10 * Track-33: Mandala 8.4.11 to 8.13.33 * Track-34: Mandala 8.14.1 to 8.24.30 * Track-35: Mandala 8.25.1 to 8.39.5 * Track-36: Mandala 8.39.6 to 8.49.10 * Track-37: Mandala 8.50.1 to 8.69.19 * Track-38: Mandala 8.69.1 to 8.91.17 * Track-39: Mandala 8.92.1 to 9.2.10 * Track-40: Mandala 9.3.1 to 9.43.6 * Track-41: Mandala 9.44.1 to 9.67.32 * Track-42: Mandala 9.68.1 to 9.87.25
Price: $5.00
Product Code: VPSMP3001D
Vol-4: Mandala : Anuvaka : Sukta : Rik [Mandala Basis] - 9 : 5 : 86 : 26 to 10 : 12 : 191 : 4 Tracks 43 to 54 of 54 * Track-43: Mandala 9.86.26 to 9.98.12 * Track-44: Mandala 9.99.1 to 10.5.7 * Track-45: Mandala 10.6.1 to 10.23.7 * Track-46: Mandala 10.24.1 to 10.39.5 * Track-47: Mandala 10.39.6 to 10.57.6 * Track-48: Mandala 10.58.1 to 10.69.12 * Track-49: Mandala 10.70.1 to 10.86.10 * Track-50: Mandala 10.86.11 to 10.96.13 * Track-51: Mandala 10.97.1 to 10.112.5 * Track-52: Mandala 10.112.6 to 10.128.9 * Track-53: Mandala 10.129.1 to 10.154.5 * Track-54: Mandala 10.155.1 to 10.191.4
Price: $5.00